I created this blog to help motivate me to lengthen my stride so to speak. I have an agenda, I'm making lists. The first thing on my list is my house. I want to be a good steward of my home. Right now its a mess, not only physically a mess, but the spirit of my home is flagging. For the last 10 years my husband and I have been through some interesting trials, dilemma's and some tribulation in the form of my mom living with us for a short while. We have started and stopped many home improvement projects. We moved into a house that really needed a face lift, some replacement of infrastructure (water pipes), paint job's etc.Some where we got off track. I always watch with envy those new homeowners who seemed to enjoy improving their new homes. They would throw out old carpeting and stuff, bringing in new flooring and new paints. We were even invited to one of our neighbors homes to check out the end result. It seems that we only do mass improvements when there is no other recourse. We finally bought new washer and dryers after the old ones died in each others arms. Our refrigerator has been dying a slow death for a few years now, so we finally got a small deep freezer. Still waiting on the new stove. My husband finally bought and replaced 2 doors upstairs and stopped at our bedroom door.
I am not complaining, we have made strides in our life. I have decided to take on some small to medium projects. The first small projects are my hall linen closet and upgrading my walk in closet. The next will be to complete that "Room of my own" office. Right now there is a lot of excess stuff piled up in there that I know that I can get rid of. I bought a new desk ( I just have to put it together). I have a small stereo and new Cd's. I have started to organize the crafts. I have realized that I don't do many crafts anymore. It is probably because I can't get into this room. I want to start sewing again, so I have been organizing my sewing supplies, buying sewing books, and fabric and patterns. So with all of this prep work, I have to stop my slovenly ways. I have to work around my husband.
Matthew 17: 19-20My husband is the mountain that needs to move. I am going to do no less than one task a day. I will set goals and I will believe do them and develop the skills to do them. My husband is the handy man of the house. I have not pushed myself to do anything. I will do it. I feel as if I have hidden my light under the proverbial "bush" where no man can see it. I would like to set my light on a hill where it can beacon to all. I think that if I can be faithful in the cleaning and maintaining of my home the Lord will release those blessings of furniture and much needed appliances. He will take the blinders off of my husbands eyes and motivate his spirit not only to work but to be thankful for all of the blessings we have received in our home.
19 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?”
20 So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief;[a] for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you
I will do this.